Palm’Data is hiring…

Anne-Florence HACHET
29 April 2024
We are looking for an Archivist position. Job offer Interested in these tasks and would like to join a growing [...]

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Happy New Year 2024!

Anne-Florence HACHET
3 January 2024
We have been delighted working with you throughout the past years.  We wish you the best for the year to [...]

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GLP compliance recognition renewed

Anne-Florence HACHET
1 December 2023
📣 We are delighted to have been renewed for our GLP compliance recognition ✅ for our Sophia-Antipolis archiving facilities. 🎆 [...]

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Welcome !!!

Anne-Florence HACHET
6 November 2023
We are delighted to welcome a new member in our team. Kenzo LITT joined Palm’Data at the beginning of the [...]

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  • 25 January 2024 – Rencontre Santé Numérique (Gardanne, France)
  • 8-9 February 2024 – Hybrid (Paris, France)
  • 19-21 March 2024 – Documation (Paris, France)
  • 27-28 March 2024 – Forum Labo Lyon (Lyon, France)
  • 21 May – 27 June 2024 – Jeux de Sophia (Sophia-Antipolis, France)
  • 12-13 June 2024 – SOFAQ 2024 Conference (Lyon, France)
  • 2-3 July 2024 – AFSSI Connexions (Montpellier, France)
  • 24-26 September 2024 – HSRAA 2024 Conference (Edinburgh, UK)
